What if this really is the last coastal emu? (It isn't, but there are only few left. Take care on our local raods!)
Read also my blog about this majestic bird and it's significance to our region:
Photo location: Palmers Island, Clarence Valley, Yaegl Country, New South Wales, Australia
NB I sell my photos under the Creative Commons licence:
Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivatives (CC BY-NC-ND)
This license means you can copy and redistribute an image – but you cannot modify it, and you cannot use it for commercial purposes. And, as the license name implies, you must provide attribution. I keep the legal ownership of the image (the copyright).
"The Last Emu" Picture (Digital Product)
File size: 3.7 MB
Format: .jpg file
Width x Height: 4752 x 3489
Resolution: 72 pixels/inch
Camera: Canon Powershot XS70
Watermarked removed upon acquisition