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Little Big River launch

Updated: Apr 27, 2023

It's official: Little Big River is starting out in the Clarence Valley and hoping to create some ripples and make some waves in the community!

The idea for Little Big River came to me when I first moved to the Clarence Valley, back in the day. I noticed that there wasn't one particular (reliable) source of local information and active businesses in this region. As a newcomer, I struggled to find out which groups or clubs I could join, where the best hiking or cycling trails were, where you could launch a kayak, which events would be on that weekend, which businesses provided what services, where to find local employment etc. I ended up joining a whole range of community Facebook groups and forums, however few groups provide a peaceful, neutral environment to exchange genuine information and locally relevant facts, initiatives, and events. There is so much wonderful community stuff going on and so much to explore in the Clarence Valley, just no online platform to connect all the dots.

It's time for a change...

With this new venture I am offering my services as a writer, community engagement & development facilitator and communications consultant to help launch, connect and promote local initiatives and places, while this website and the Little Big River Facebook page will act as stepping stones to get those messages across. My mission? "Communifying" the Clarence! By which I mean that I will be expanding my already quite extensive local network of community champions, bringing everyone together to work collaboratively and creatively to meet common goals, then cross-promote our successes. It also means that I will halve my fees for eligible NGOs and NFPs from the Clarence Valley. Like a river, my Big Idea will meander along, sometimes speed up, and slowly change shape over time, while also possibly branching out. I hope many passionate, creative and community-minded people from the Clarence Valley and Northern Rivers will come on this journey with me to connect, create and communicate together. Let's do this!

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much
Helen Keller Quote


Did you know? ~ Helen Keller was a deaf and blind America author, lecturer, disability advocate, and civil rights activist. She died in 1968 but continues to be an inspiration to many.


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